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Use of colons and semicolons


The colon

The colon is commonly used when introducing a list


A list in a sentence

Garcia’s Mexican restaurant has three specialties: tacos, enchiladas, and chile rellenos.

Do not, however, use a colon when the listed items are incorporated into the flow of the sentence.


Correct: The specialties of Garcia's Mexican restaurant are tacos, enchiladas, and chile rellenos.

Incorrect: The specialties of Garcia's Mexican restaurant are: tacos, enchiladas, and chile rellenos.


A bulleted or vertical list


The colon is used to introduce a bullet list, also called a vertical list, when the clause preceding the list is an independent clause. In other words, the vertical list can stand alone as a sentence.


Email writing has become the most common form of business communication over the past ten years:

         It is used for communicating simple messages.

         It is used to give short reports and summaries of meetings.

         It often takes the place of the memo pad, telephone and postal mail.


Notice that each item in the list ends with a period. This is because the items are complete sentences.


Colons are also used to introduce bullet lists when the expressions, as follows or the following are used.

(コロンは「follows」もしくは「the following」を使い、表現を用いた箇条書きリストを紹介するときに使われます。)

Disadvantages do exist in email, and it is important to be aware of them so that you do not embarrass yourself or your company. They are as follows:

1. Once an email is sent, you have limited or no chance to retrieve it.

2. Emails can be offensive.

3. Email is frequently overused.

Colons are not used when the clause introducing the list is not an independent clause.


For email to be useful to you and your company, the writing must be clear. Your writing must include a clear organization, such as

1. a clear beginning in the form of a single sentence that tells the main point of your message,

2. a middle section that explains your main point,

3. an ending that summarizes your main point and explanation


The colon is used between independent clauses when the second clause explains or illustrates the first clause.


In this manner, the colon operates in much the same way as the semicolon. As with the semicolon, do not capitalize the first word after the colon unless the word is ordinarily capitalized.


I have very little time to finish the report: it’s due in two weeks.

Note: In this sentence, the second clause is explaining why the person has little time to finish the report.


All three of the new products go on sale this month: The thermostat sale begins next week. The faucets sale will start the second week of the month. Finally, the shower heads will go on sale in the last week of the month.

Note: When two or more sentences follow a colon, capitalize the first word following the colon.



The colon can be used for emphasis


The colon can be used to emphasize a phrase or single word at the end of a sentence.


After three weeks of experimenting, the researchers finally reached a conclusion: it is not possible.

I visited clients in three countries and five different cities in ten days: namely, I’m exhausted.


The colon in other uses of punctuation


The colon is used after a greeting in a formal letter:


         Dear Mr. Johnson:

         To Whom It May Concern:

         Dear Sir or Madam:

         Dear Ms. Standoffish:

Note: The colon is not used in an email message greeting. Instead, use a comma.


The colon is used in telling time:


         12:30 AM

         3:35 PM

Use a colon for subtitles:


         Edward Jones: A look into his soul

         Images: A pictorial look at the people of Okinawa

Use a colon to introduce long quotations:


The famous ad man, David Ogilvy, once commented on the use of grammar rules when writing copy for ads:

I don't know the rules of grammar... If you're trying to persuade people to do something, or buy something, it seems to me you should use their language, the language they use every day, the language in which they think. We try to write in the vernacular.

If a quotation contains two or more sentences, many writers and editors introduce it with a colon rather than a comma.


My mother always told me: “Don’t drink. Don’t take drugs. Don’t gamble.”


The semicolon 

Use a semicolon between independent clauses when a coordinating conjunction is omitted


Note: The use of the semicolon is not common. It is better to use the conjunctions “and” or “but” if you want to join two short independent clauses


Most commonly, the semicolon is used between two independent clauses (i.e., clauses that could stand alone as separate sentences) when a coordinating conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) is omitted.


The most senior employees will sit at the front table; the first-year employees will sit at the table behind the senior employees.

Note: The example above could be recast with the conjunction and, in which case a comma, rather than a semicolon, would be required.


The most senior employees will sit at the front table, and the first-year employees will sit at the table behind the senior employees.

Note: Technically, the semicolon could be replaced with a period, since each independent clause is a complete sentence. The semicolon, however, emphasizes the connection between the two clauses. The use of a conjunction like “and” or “but” is the most common way of connecting two independent clauses.



Use a semicolon between independent clauses linked by a transitional expression


The semicolon is also used between two independent clauses linked by a transitional expression (e.g., accordingly, consequently, for example, nevertheless, so, thus).


The use of solar energy has been doubling every two years for the past five years; consequently, the world will have more than enough energy in two more doublings.

The use of MRIs has expanded greatly in the past few years; thus, scientists are better able to understand how the brain works.

Note: It is more common to use a period to separate the two independent clauses. Therefore, a semicolon is seldom used.



The semicolon can be used in lists with internal commas


Note: In this case, the semicolon is necessary.


The semicolon can also be used in lists with internal commas. In this usage, the semicolon acts as a sort of super-comma. In other words, to avoid confusion, the semicolon separates the main components of the list.


The new office will be divided into sections by level; reception, meeting rooms, and auditorium on the first floor; research, development, and 3d printing on the second floor; and employee offices, mid-level management offices, and senior-level management on the third floor.

We have people coming from all over the US, such as San Diego, California, New York, New York, Miami, Florida, Sioux Falls, Idaho, and Portland, Oregon.

Note: All of the commas make it difficult to know what city is matched with its corresponding state.


We have people coming from all over the US, such as San Diego, California; New York, New York; Miami, Florida; Sioux Falls, Idaho; and Portland, Oregon.

Note: In this example, the state names have colons after them, making it easier to see the cities that belong to them.
